December 29, 2009
Beauty Is A Perfection$BlogItemTitle$>

Hugs and kisses!
Oh god, it's been a
week since I've last posted. I'm sorry but lately, I'm not in the mood for blogging nor for socializing through the computer. Frankly, it means
I'm lazy to play the computer. That's the 1st reason, 2nd my mum's on holiday from work last week and I went out almost everyday! So I had
no time to update my daily doings. But now,
I do! Today's post is a
round-up for my doings last week. Okay then, let's begin with Monday.
- Monday ; My house is doing a renovation. Well, it's not that big really, it's just minor. Oh, and my house needs a little painting. It's old. Haha. Anyway, I didn't do much. I went grocery shopping with my mum and sister at Carrefour. Then later at night, I started with my folio :)
- Tuesday ; Wait wait, I need to remember. Ah, yes. I went to Ampang to check out my new car. Technically, it's not mine. It's my family's. Ah, whatever. I'm part of the family so that's my car too! Haha. It's said that I could get my car anytime around this next week. Oh oh, the best part, it's got a DVD player :D
- Wednesday ; My favourite, we visited Mia and Lisa! Oh how adorable were they! But before that, we visited my school and my sister's to collect our books for 2010. In a blink of an eye, my sister's facing SPM next year. Wow. Anywho, we arrived at my cousin's around 12-ish. They were having lunch. Mia can walk and talk now and Lisa is just Lisa. Haha.
- Thursday ; Thursday was filled with boredom because my mum decided to catch up with her work. That means, she went to office. Oh, I talked with Wan though. Oh how I miss her :( As usual, we talk about things that does not matter to anyone except us. So to speak, we're freaks. Haha. Don't you agree Wan? I can't remember if we (my sister and I) watched 'Titanic' that night or the night before or the night after. Oh, but what I can recall is that I watched 'Enchanted' that afternoon.
- Friday ; I was suppose to go Sunway and check out my school bag and watch 'Alvin and the Chipmunks : 2'. But my mother had other plans. I'm sorry to Yanie :) In the afternoon, I went Subang Parade, mainly to go grocery shopping at Cold Storage but we had other plans. First thing's first, I saw Adila there. Second, they had a sale for luggage bags! Get this, my mum bought luggage bags for each of us AFTER we came back from Hong Kong. Such a wise choice, right? ;D Truthfully, that's stupid. Haha. But who cares! At night, my family and I tried the new food court at Taipan.
- Saturday ; I got a haircut! It was my mother's choice to trim my hair. She thinks it's too long -.- I spent at the saloon for 4 hours! 4 hours for a trim! Oh, I straighted my fringe as well but still! 4 misreable hours of suffer. After the haircut, I had a wedding at night.
- Sunday ; On Sunday, I didn't do anything. Basically Sunday's are rest days. Oh, I did do something. At night, my brother came for dinner. After dinner, we played 'Pictionary' and after playing 'Pictionary', my mother, my sister and I went to the gym. It was fun!
- Monday ; Yesterday was a fun day! I went to see Mia and Lisa again but this time, I took Mia out. We took Mia to a 'Jungle Gym'. I had to go in with her. In that playroom, there were so many 'big' children and that scared Mia. She's so queit, so timid and so cute. She's only two so she's small. Those children in there were like jungle animals. Pushing here, pushing there. Eventually, Mia cried and wanted to go out. We went home instead and played there. She's much happier there. Lisa was having crawling lessons but she can't even crawl. Haha. She's like a sumo! And by sumo, I meant the size of a sumo! She's obese for a 7-month-old! Haha. But she's still cute.
A lot,
kan? Well, that's what I did for the whole last week. But today, my mum started working again so I'm
stuck at home. Good news is that I'm almost
done with my folio. By tomorrow, my folio will be
finish. It feels good to
accomplish something.
12:40 PM
December 24, 2009
I Feel Like A Child$BlogItemTitle$>
A lovely tag from my lovely Amira,
A. You prefer...
1. Alcohol or Mineral Water
2. Blue or Pink
3. Hot Guys or Cool Guys ( I gotta have both :D )
4. Good Looks or Brains ( Again, both )
5. Taylor Swift or Taylor Lautner ( Oh god, definitely Taylor Lautner! )
6. Friends or Loved Ones
7. "Baby" or "Honey"
B. Your/You kind of guy :1. Alcoholic or
Good or
Bad ( But, don't you think bad's adventurous? :D )
Brave or
Tall or Short ( I can't date a short guy )
5. T-Shirt or
Coat or
Leather Jacket ( He needs a sense of style, so both )
Sunnies or Spectacles
Caring or
Rich ( It's hard to choose! )
9. Kisses or
Hugs10. Romantic? ( It would be every girl's dream )
C. Your/You kind of girl :
Cute or
Pretty ( Both, I suppose? )
Sweet or
Sports or
"Princess Candle" ( What's a "Princess Candle? )
Surprises? ( Ho ho ho :D )
Smile or Frown
Love Quotes or
Love Poems7.
Computer Geek or Study Nerd
8. SMS or
MSN ( My phone is dead again. Haha. )
Forever or
Just For Fun10.
Hangouts with Friends or Couple Date
D.Your Daily Activities (NEXT YEAR):1. After Breakfast
- I guess I should take a shower
2. Before School -
Watch tv :)
3. During School -
Study, study, study
4. After School
- Who ever created homework?
5. Night
- Sleeping time?
6. Midnight -
On my way to "Dreamland"
7. Holidays
- Forget about school! WOHOO!
E. Tag 10 people:1
Wan Ruqaiyah
2 Amin Adam
Jillian Ng
Aryani Natrah
Megat Ashran
6 Lao La Ho
7 Marsya Maisarah
8 Khairul Azman
9 Deannaharen
10 Natasha Roslan
1. What if 9 confesses that he/she likes you? (Ze Deanna)
I like you too Deanna! :D
2. Will you go out for a couple date with 3 if he/she asks to? (Ze babe)
I would.
3. Is 7 single? (Ze Marsya)
I'm afraid not. Tehee*
4. Describe 1. (Ze Wanikins)
My best friend :)
5. Will you date 8? (Ze Azman)
Oh god, he's just a friend. Haha.
6. What is 2's nickname? (Ze Adam)
His nickname? Not sure.
7. What do you wish to tell 10 right now? (Ze sayang)
I miss you sayang :(
8. What is 5 good in? (Ze Megatron)
Making people laugh.
9. If you were to do one thing to 4, what would it be? (Ze Yanie)
I won't let her go out of my sight :)
10. Have you seen 1 cried ? (Ze Wanikins)
I think so?
11. Is 2 crazy or geeky? (Ze Adam)
He is definitely crazy!
12. Will you hold 7's hand and walk around? (Ze Marsya)
She's my ex-husband! Haha.
13. What do you think of 6? (Ze Jai-Ho)
A very quiet boy.
14. Will you kiss 3 when there is only both of you in the park? (Ze babe)
I'm no lesbian, if that's what your trying to proof.
15. Is 8 sweet? (Ze Azman)
Funny is the new sweet.
16. What is 9's hobby? (Ze Deanna)
Looking at Tyson Ritter's picture :D
17. Will you date 10 to a high class restaurant? (Ze sayang)
Sure! Why not ;)
18. Is 5 fitted to be a maid? (Ze Megatron)
Haha. No comment.
19. When it started raining, who will you seek for an umbrella?
Why would I need an umbrella? I enjoy the rain!
20. Where would you go with 1 on a date? (Ze Wanikins)
We would go to Italy ;)
P/S : The coloured are my answer's.
2:12 PM
December 20, 2009
Spicy Quickly Fires$BlogItemTitle$>

I've posted
over a 100 posts.
This quote means something
6:11 PM
Kick Mother Nature Out$BlogItemTitle$>
Hello hello!
Remember I said I came back from Sabah with a smile? Well, I came back from Hong Kong with a
yawn. Haha. What do you except from me at
2:30 in the morning? Anywho, my trip to
Hong Kong was fun! The pictures will be uploaded
later. I arrived in Hong Kong at night but I arrived in Kuala Lumpur in the morning. The second day of my journey, we went to
Disneyland! WOHOO! I've waited all my life to go there. Okay, not all my life but
what the heck. But, Hong Kong Disneyland is just minor. The
real Disneyland is in California. If Hong Kong Disneyland is big, imagine the real Disneyland! It would be even bigger. Trust me,
it is. One thing's a bummer, I didn't get to ride
ALL of it. Look at me, I sound like a
spoilt child. Haha. But the
memorable part was went it rain! It rain at night and we were all
soaked up with water :)
There wasn't anything much to do on the third day except for
shopping! A girl's best
medicine :D Well, that day was meant for shopping anyway. I bought 2 pairs of
shoes, a
bag and a pair of
jeans. My mum gave me a 1000 dollars to spend. For your information, I did not buy a blouse because mainly, the shops were selling winter clothes. And who does not know the
weather of our Malaysia. Oh, the weather in Hong Kong was like
autumn. Very
cool and
cold! I love it! Actually, I love
winter but anything cool and cold is fine by me. Haha.
Ocean park
can't be missed if you visit Hong Kong. That's what the signboard said. But frankly, I think you can't miss Disneyland
more than Ocean park. We rode a cable car to go to the summit. And once again, it
stopped halfway. Exactly like Genting's. Maybe that's the trend for cable cars, I guess. Haha. There were many rides to go on. But what I went on was the Flying swing, Roller coaster, Ferris wheel and Eagie. The
Flying swing and
Ferris wheel was not that thrilling but the
Roller coaster and the weirdly name ride,
Eagie was. The Roller coaster had an upside-down path for three times! Yes,
upside-down and
three times! It's like in the movies. Okay maybe
not but whatever. I rode that all by
myself because my family is scared of that -.-
Seriously, your whole system in your body feels like coming out! I'm not joking! It's upside-down for three times! Come to think of it, I did not know
what on earth made me rode that roller coaster. Haha. But it was fun! And the Eagie was scary as well but you'll have to experience that for
yourself ;D
Later that evening, we went to
The Peak. The Peak is for people who
enjoys scenery. My parents enjoy and myself as well. There wasn't much of a scenery except for tall buildings. Do tall buildings
count as a scenery? Anyway, both of my parents are
architects, so you get the point. By the fourth day in Hong Kong, the weather was
12'C-14'C! Do you know how cold is that? It's freaking cold 'till you can get
froze bits. That's how cold it was. I had to get
Starbucks. But I ordered my usual,
chocolate cream chip even though it's cold. Haha. On the way back, we rode a
tram. It was an experience instead of taking the
boring old taxi. And at night, we saw the
'Symphony of Lights' which was nothing out of the ordinary at all,
really.So that wraps up my post about Hong Kong. Sorry for the
long-ness. Haha.
5:18 PM
Bring In The Hunks$BlogItemTitle$>
My mum say's I'm a snob. What do you think?
4:56 PM
December 13, 2009
Bitting Lips Wont Solve The Problem$BlogItemTitle$>

Click it to enlarge ;D
3:41 PM
I Feel Hurt By The Way You Speaked$BlogItemTitle$>
Don't you agree? It's been a long time since the last post has been posted. I don't know why, but lately, I'm
not into blogging. I know, that's sad. Anyway, I decided to do on a post about 15
random things in my life. I did this once, remember? So, this would be my
second!1. My hair is getting frizzier.
2. I've packed my bags for Hong kong ;)
3. Period cramp -.-
4. The next holiday, I'm going to my hometown, Italy.
5. Kak Zihan is pregnant!
6. Mia Natasha & Lisa Rose is coming on the 20th.
7. No idea for my blog title.
8. I eat sweets for relaxation.
9. How on earth am I to know to do that stupid folio?!
10. Do you that there's an exhibition for 'The Da Vince'?
11. My dad's getting a new car!
12. I ate 'Kenny Rogers Roaster' yesterday.
13. I thought of coloring my nail in black.
14. Okay, I'm speechless.
15. Oh, my brother came yesterday night with 'my cousin'?
11:09 AM
December 10, 2009
Wooden Days$BlogItemTitle$>
I spent the whole day at Sunway!I woke up at 8 in the morning. My dad sent me and my sister to Sunway at 9. And yes, this all happened yesterday. The shops in Sunway were closed. Well yeah, it's 9 in the morning! What do you expect! Anyway, Aunty Ruby called when we're just about to make an order in Starbucks. Pity those girls, they we're hoping we would buy their chocolate cream chip. Haha. But, eventually we did. For your information, Aunty Ruby is my neighbour. My closest neighbour actually. We spent the whole day at Sunway was a treat from her since her daughter, Mysara achieved 5 A's in UPSR. I remebered when I scored 5 A's, I got a phone. Haha. Anyway, let's get back to the story.
We met Ira, baby, Isya, Reza and Aunty Ruby at the hotel. Sunway Hotel and Spa to be exact. After having breakfast at the hotel, we went shopping! Haha. It's a girl's thing ;) Aunty Ruby wanted to redeem her promise which was a gift for my UPSR and my sister's PMR. We went shopping for clothes. My sister and I bought clothes from Elle. I saw this lovely purse from Dorothy Perkins that I wanted. I'll ask my mum to buy it for me. Haha.
Later, we went in Forever 21 and I bought this lovely hat. That hat would come in handy when I'm in Hong kong. Oh, I saw this bag in Forever 21 that I dream on buying since like a few weeks ago? Can't remember. It cost like what, 109? I'll ask my mum to buy it for me, again. Haha. Since Ira and baby hasn't seen 'New Moon' yet, that would make this my third time watching this movie. And I gotta say, I didn't enjoy it that much. First, they cut the kissing scene. Like what the hell? But I've seen it before, pity to Ira and baby ;D Second, I knew what was coming. Third, I WANTED TO GO TOILET LIKE HELL! When I mean like hell, it really means like hell.
Around 8-ish, we went Sunway again for ice-skating! Yay yay! My favourite part of them all. Haha. We we're noobs on ice! And by 'we', I meant Ira, baby, isya, my sister and myself. I asked a favour from a stranger who turned out to be a friend. So, at the end, we we're basically able to skate by ourselves. What a relieve! But, it was fun! So much fun, 'till I wanted to go toilet so badly! Haha. Came home at midnight. So, can you imagine that? From, let's say 9 to midnight. I'm in schock as well. The next morning, my feet hurts. Probably it was from skating last night :)
Chowlobete ♥
2:41 PM
December 7, 2009
Italy Will Be Back for A Month$BlogItemTitle$>
Hugs and kisses!Gosh I miss my blog. I came back from Sabah with a big
smile on my face. Haha. It was fun! I went
snorkeling and got
bitten by the fish -.- Hate that. Next time, going snorkel with
long pants. The hotel we stayed in was
fabulous! The best was the toilet :O Love the toilet. Haha. Oh, remember I mentioned a holiday with no adult supervision? It happened on the second day! Haha. My cousin's and I went to town all by
ourselves and watched 'New Moon',
again ;) Did you know, the shopping complex's cinema was
huge and
10 times better than our's? I mean like Sunway and etc etc. Oh oh, the movie tickets was
cheaper than our's as well. Starting from now, I'm watching movie's in Sabah. Haha.
I ate seafood, Italian and room service's cooking. Haha. The room service was on the 5th. Hello,
'High School Musical 3 : Senior Year'? That's why ;) I must say, seafood was the
best. I know Yanie wouldn't enjoy seafood. The food was huge. I mean
massive huge! Oh, and it cost a
huge amount of money as well ;) The Italian was my least favourite. Although I was
born in Italy, but still. Haha. The part that I hated the most was waking up
early for breakfast -.- By 10, breakfast will
no longer be served. The other 97 % of it was
enjoyable. Chowlobete
♥P/s : Today's post will not include a picture. Thank you.
3:42 PM
December 2, 2009
Take Me By Suprise$BlogItemTitle$>
"Why can't Twilight, New moon, Eclipse and Breaking dawn be in
one movie?
Kan best."
Okay, hands down to
Stephanie Meyer. If she didn't create this
phenomena story of hers, there wouldn't be a fight over
Edward or
Jacob. Am I right, ladies? :) The sentence up there was said by my sister. She tagged along yesterday. And enough said that 'New Moon' was
hell of a movie! I'm sorry 'Titanic', but the Twilight saga
beat you. Haha. The usual 5 (Nadiana, Marsya, Yanie, Wan and I) watched 'New Moon' together. I added a little and there sense of
humour. And this I have to say was my best. Haha.
Before the movie, I opened the cinema door and
broke the handle.
Sorry ;D "Wow Aliah. I didn't knew you were that strong!" Haha. That came from Yanie's mouth. But that was just minor. During the movie, I sat with
my dear, Nadiana :) She said to me she wanted to go toilet and asked my favour to accompany her, but who wants to
leave the room while 'New Moon' was on? Haha. I know I didn't. I asked Mai for her, "
Mai, mai. Nad nak pergi tandas"
out loud! Hahahaha. 25%,
everybody heared me. I kinda embarrassed Nadiana? Okay fine! I
did embarrass Nadiana. Sorry, again :D
After the movie, we
'critics' gave our review :) Okay,
Edward Cullen and
Jacob Black. How can you
choose between them? Both are just perfect
boyfriend and
best friend to Bella! But, they do have
weaknesses. Let's start with Edward ;
- He's body, sucks -.-
- He's stupid to leave Bella, the love of his life!
- And maybe, he looks more pale in this movie.
But, let's find out his
charming side ;
- He has a handsome look.
- He so so so romantic, I could just melt!
- He's a great kisser? *keningkening
Enough with Edward, it's Jacob's turn. This, Yanie would
like :) But, we're starting with his
bad side ;
- He's to pushy with Bella -.-
- God, does he have an ugly face.
- His gone bad, but isn't bad good these days? ;D
Want to know his
good side? ;
- A body to die for babey!
- He loves and cares for Bella.
- Did I mention his body is hot? Cause I can't get enough!
And there you have it ladies and gentleman, the
real Edward Cullen and Jacob Black. Haha. How random. Yes, I know. My post is long! Yea,
what the heck! It's Edward and Jacob for crying out loud. Their two men that are
not human! Haha. But, I have to end this post somehow, right? Here's a picture of
my two men :D Enjoy!
3:31 PM
December 1, 2009
Pathetic Excuse$BlogItemTitle$>

Tonight is the
class party. But I'm not going! (Sorry :D) Instead, I'm watching
'New Moon'. Why, oh why, does it have to be at the same night? Today's post is just
random things that happened in my life :) Yesterday, I
scared my sister! It was fun! Haha. I secretly hid by the wall and said
'boo', she screamed as if I was strangling her. Haha. Her face was priceless. Later that night, I laughed with my sister in my mum's room. Oh, speaking of my mum, she's flew to
Jakarta. Okay, not exactly Jakarta, it's somewhere near there I assume.
Bye Mama :D
I'm down to my sister and my dad. But on Thursday, I'm off to
Sabah! My dad will have the whole house to himself. Haha.
Man power. You must be wondering why am I not flying to Sabah with my own
living-breathing father. Haha. It's because I'm flying to Sabah with my aunty and her family! My aunty and uncle will attend a meeting there. My sister, my cousin and I will have a vacation without
adult supervision. Yay! Literally. Haha.
My grandma went to my uncle's last Sunday. Goodbye. Then, my brother came and we went for a barbecue at my aunty's. Her steak was really
yummy :9 I saw her wedding photo's. And by 'her', I meant my cousin. I was her
flower-girl :) Back then, I was 8 years old. And boy, was I so small! I had no teeth. My two major teeth
lah, not my whole teeth. Haha. Now, an offer to be a flower-girl rarely happens. Probably because I'm huge and 13. Haha. Okay, not huge but huge for flower-girl
standard. The very last flower-girl moment of mine was at my cousin's. Which was this year! :0 Oh I forgot about that. Haha. But, the other flower-girls were big, so that didn't count. I'm talking about small flower-girls :)
Anyway, I've gotta to go and get ready for the movie.
5:34 PM