November 30, 2009
Under The Surface$BlogItemTitle$>
I'm just so happy!After talking with Wan through the phone, my day was much much
better :) First, I talked to Wan.
My day always gets better with her. Second, my blog appears!
WOHOO! The story goes like this. A Friday afternoon calls for a blog update. But here's the catch, my blog doesn't appear after posting a post. Actually, it doesn't
appear at all! :O I got frustrated. I mean I love blogging. Actually, I'm
obsessed with my blog. Haha.
I discussed this problem with Wan through msn. We tried to find a way because my blog appears at her computer and
not mine -.- Maybe, I never treat my blog
as nice as Wan ;D Anyway, she asked what software am I using, Internet Explorer or Mozilla. I used Internet Explorer wherelse she uses Mozilla. So, there's the solution. From now on, I'm
currently using Mozilla :)
Wan asked me to hear a song of hers. It reminds me of that
jerk -.- But, in a good way. Get it? No, you don't right? Haha.
I'm over him! Yay! I'm so happy! I'm extremely happy! If anyone of you knows who I'm talking about,
I don't mind actually. Haha. Because I'm over him! Wan is happy for me. Aww, that is why
I love her :)
3:58 PM
November 29, 2009
Chocolate Are Slappers$BlogItemTitle$>

Those pictures were taken by my dad. Haha. He loves the camera :) It was on
'Hari Raya Haji'. My mum's side of the family came for a, well you can call it as an open house. Maybe there wasn't much pictures. But,
whatever :D I'm lazy to tell what happened in full detail but here's some of it. We ate, talk, ate, talk and etc. Haha. Got it?
Chowlobete ♥
4:42 PM
November 25, 2009
I Found Out Why He Loves Me$BlogItemTitle$>
I love you Nadiana, Wanikins, Marsya and Yanie!Again, it happened.
I woke up at 10.45! I was so late. My friends (
Nadiana, Marsya and Wan) were coming at 11! Luckily, I got ready in time. I had my clothes on, of course. Haha. Yanie couldn't join us,
as usual. Hihi.
Sorry Yanie :) We spent the whole day together. We had a manicure, pedicure session, we helped Nadiana with her blog, we saw music videos but more importantly,
we shared our deepest secrets :OMarsya has this game in her phone,
'Love predictor'? Ask any question and you'll get your answer. Wan asked,
'Is the 5H's going to be best friends forever'? It answered,
'You already know the answer'. Awww, I love the 'love predictor'. Haha. There was definitely an 'aww' moment there :) Too bad Yanie had to miss this. We ate
Domino's for lunch. Then, we watched this stupid Indonesian drama. Urghhh, that drama was so stupid, we decided to not watch it. Haha. I mean seriously, leaving your love with a
witch? Isn't that stupid? Wait a minute, it's beyond stupid -.-
It has been awhile since I went strolling at the park. Marsya treat us with ice-cream.
Yummy :9 Then, we shared our secrets. Oh oh, finally,
he popped the question! We saw many school friends though. Oh, and I think I saw
Ramu? I'm not so sure about that. Went back to my house and they had to go home. They walked to my house okay! I couldn't do that. Haha. Overall, I enjoyed it!
I hope we could do that often and this time with Yanie :DChowlobete
♥P/s :
And Amira, I love you too!
3:45 PM
November 23, 2009
Options More or Less$BlogItemTitle$>
What a day!I woke up to my mum's voice but I decided to carry on my dream. At the end,
I woke up at 10.30! I was late. By 11, I had to go to
Ikea. It did buy me time when my mum fetched my sister from school. She had an extra class.
Pity, pity. But wait, if I had an extra class, I would go! Not for the knowledge, but for the
friends. Haha. At the end, I got ready in time but I skipped breakfast :)
My mum's mission :
To decorate the house before 'Hari Raya Haji'. As you can see, that's my mum's mission. But, my mission is :
To eat at the cafe! Haha. I hadn't eat there for almost 2 years. Imagine that. I love the food at Ikea. It's all
westernize :) I ate the mixed-herb salmon. Awh, it was delicious. Definitely beyond my expectations. My mum ate salad wherelse my sister had Sweedish meatballs. Oh oh, this was interesting.
I cried! Ahha. Yes, I cried with tears! I'm not ready to share that part of the story.
Alright. Moving on, we (my mum, my sister and I) saw a display kitchen. It was everything and beyond what my mum had wanted. Plus, it was more practical than the others. I wanted to re-decorate my
lovely room. It ain't lovely anymore, according to my eyes. It's messy. So, I wanted a new bed. Re-decorating means
something has to be new, right? ;D But my mum said
'later'. All parents say that to avoid
cash disposal. Haha. But I'm still getting that bed,
ma. After all that shopping, it came up a total of 600+. That's off the budget actually. It was said to only spend 400+. But, too late. Haha. I ended my day with a
1 ringgit ice-cream.
Conclusion : I enjoyed my time at Ikea. Next time,
it's gonna be my bed we're shopping for! :D
8:00 PM
November 22, 2009
Queen Ellen$BlogItemTitle$>
I have period cramp! I hate having period.
Hate it, hate it, hate it! Plus, I get it often.
How heartbreaking is that? I go hungry even more. Although I go hungry every minute. Haha. The results, my dress is
tighter! :O But, I'm not here to talk about my period, although I hate it -.- I'm here to talk about other things such as videos. Now, this frustrates me.
I'm trying to upload a video in my blog but it doesn't upload! Urgh, it makes me crazy! Stupid video uploader -.- I wanted to upload a video of Taylor Swift pranked by Ellen Degeneres. The video is hilarious. Sadly, I can't upload it. You can check it in youtube though. Anyhoo, yesterday I went Sunway to watch 2012. I'm sure you know that. That movie is
very very very very sad. My tears burst out non-stop! It's like a wake up call.
What will you do if you had the chance to do it for the very last time? I always picture myself in the situation. Speaking of it, I watched 'Nur Kasih' last Friday. I ate Kentucky while watching and yet, I still cried. Haha. Next week is the last episode for the show. How sad :( Note to Mai :
Adam tak mati!I love to eat. It sounds as if I'm obese. Haha. I hope not. I ate fast food for three days in a row!
Applause* It started with ;
- Thursday, Mcdonald's
- Friday, Kentucky Fried Chicken
- Saturday, A&W
Come to think of it, I ate a lot! Oh oh, right now, I'm eating a chocolate bar. Oh my gosh, I scare myself.
2:55 PM
November 20, 2009
I Shall Never Grow Up$BlogItemTitle$>

The 5 H's
Out of 1 of them is Aryani Natrah.
And today is her Sweet 13th.
I wrote her a poem.
My dear Yanie,
A friend like you shall be kept forever,
There were times I fail to show but,
I will always cherish you,
Thank you for everything that you’ve done for me.
So, as for your birthday present,
I’m sharing my happiness with you.
Rule of happiness :
Something to do,
something to love,
something to hope for.
11:53 AM
Crime Without A Motif$BlogItemTitle$>
I haven't post anything
valuable lately. Probably, this ain't either. It's a Friday morning and my sister has gone to school for the very
last time. Finally, I have the computer all to myself! Anyhoo, speaking of school's, today is actually the last day for me too. Coincidentally it's the same day as
Yanie's birthday. I just called her to wish
'Happy Birthday'. She wanted me to attend school today but, I don't know.
Sorry Yanie if I can't make it :)I was chatting with Yuen Min yesterday. Apparently, she is doing a party for the Amigo's. She asked me if the 5th of December better than the 12th. I had to say 12th because the 5th, I'm in
Sabah. Looking back, it isn't that long. After discussing about the party, she asked me to sign up for
Facebook. Haha. I don't blame her. I know, I know, pretty lame, huh? Yes,
I confess, I don't have a Facebook, yet! *keningkening.
My cousin is sleeping over tonight. We're going to watch
2012 tomorrow at Sunway Pyramid. It's quite dangerous to go Sunway because many people I know enjoy hanging out at that very
'hot spot'. In case you didn't know,
Fun Fun (not her real name) is very good at this computer stuffs. So, maybe I'll ask her to do me a Facebook. Although I heard that signing up is rather easy but I'm too lazy to do it on my own :) Haha. That's the problem actually!
I'm too lazy to sign up for Facebook. There Yuen Min, my hard core reason.
My phone is
dead. Haha. I have no credit and no one to text to (due to the 'no credit'). So, if anyone decide to text me,
don't expect an answer from me. Haha. School holidays are happening. I can't believe my form 1 days are over. I was talking with
Wan (my bestie <33) how time flies. In the next 2 years, we'll be facing PMR. Shocker isn't it? 2 years seems long but apparently, NOT! For this school holidays, I have to present a scrapbook for my BM literature. Hell no! I have no clue or whatsoever hint on how are we going to do this. Oh well, wish me luck :D
Before I end this
'non-valuable post', I found this quote (I'm so into quotes :D). My opinion, this quote actually
means something.

Chowlobete ♥
10:46 AM
November 19, 2009
As Serious As A Monkey About Bananas$BlogItemTitle$>
As you can see, I'm lazy to write updates. Instead, I'm posting
quotes! I was talking to Wan and suddenly this idea occurred to me. Enjoy :)
1:41 PM
November 17, 2009
Hit The Stage Birthday Girl$BlogItemTitle$>

Sorry, but I don't have that much photos :)
Just want to say, Yanie's party got awarded as 'Party Of The Year'!
It was awesome and pretty much wild. Haha.
Awww, I love you Yanie ♥
11:09 AM
November 13, 2009
My Almost Lover$BlogItemTitle$>
Your fingertips against my skin
The palm trees swaying in the wind in my chase
You sang me Spanish lullabies
The sweetest sadness in your eyes
Clever trick
I never wanna see you unhappy
I thought you want the same for me
Goodbye my almost lover
Goodbye my hopeless dream
I'm trying not to think about you
Can't you just let me be?
So long my luckless romance
My back is turned on you
Should've known you'd bring me heartbreak
Almost lovers always do
We walked along a crowded street
You took my hand and danced with me
In the shade
And when you left you kissed my lips
You told me you'd never ever forget these images
I'd never wanna see you unhappy
I thought you'd want the same for me
Goodbye my almost lover
Goodbye my hopeless dream
I'm trying not to think about you
Can't you just let me be?
So long my luckless romance
My back is turned on you
Should've known you'd bring me heartbreak
Almost lovers always do
I cannot go to the ocean
I cannot try the streets at night
I cannot wake up in the morning
Without you on my mind
So you're gonna and I'm haunted
And I bet you are just fine
I'll make it there
You walk right in and out of my life
Goodbye my almost lover
Goodbye my hopeless dream
I'm trying not to think about you
Can't you just let me be?
So long my luckless romance
My back is turned on you
Should've known you'd bring me heartache
Almost lovers always do
3:19 PM
Filling For the Drama$BlogItemTitle$>

You may call this as a continuation from the previous post. Remember I told you that I was tired/sleepy and that I said I would tell about that later? Well now is the later. Haha.
Yesterday, Wan came to my house early. We wanted to go to Yanie's place since staying at your own home is rather boring. Wan saw me in my jammies. Haha. After I got ready, we were on our way to Yanie's. Yanie asked us something unexpected. And that unexpected thing lead fights for Yanie and a lost phone for Wan. To top that up, it was the eve of Friday the 13th :O
Wan and I decided to sleepover at Yanie's. At night, Asha and Alyssa came in the room while Yanie was just, let's just say, depressed. They entertained us, which was nice. Asha introduced us to a game called, 'Thiggar'? Yet, Wan and I didn't understand how the game worked. Haha. Later, we played bluff. Haha. Alyssa kept on lying. Asha knew whoever was lying and for that, we called her, the professional. Yanie, yanie was still depressed.
Around 11, Asha wanted to watch tv. We went downstairs and watched Titanic. Note : This was the first time I watched Titanic. Shocker isn't it? Oh oh, it was also the first time I ate J.Co doughnuts :D Well, Wan too watched it for the first time but she watched the ending many many times. I cried insanely towards the end of the movie. I had the tissue box beside me! The other's were busy doing stuffs.
Yanie, busy talking on the phone
Asha, busy eating laksa Sarawak
Alyssa, busy sleeping
Wan, busy watching
Aliah, busy crying like hell
Got the meaning? Haha. Alyssa slept the earliest. Right when the movie was playing, she fell asleep. Yanie was the second to sleep since she cried too but not because of the movie. *keningkening. Asha then said that she was sleepy and went up to bed. So, Wan and I were left downstairs. Titanic was breathtaking. Earlier, the movie was boring but when the ship hit the iceberg, I was fully awake. Oh oh, you jump, I jump? :) Then, Wan and I couldn't sleep. I surely couldn't sleep after all the crying.
We ended up having 'The talk' instead. Wan told me her secrets and vice versa. As what Wan wrote in her blog, I'm lucky the secrets were shared to Wan Ruqaiyah Nurminurain. I've known Wan the longest out of my best friends. It's easier to share with her :) Aww, I love you Wan. Not forgetting Yanie too for wasting your money on us. I love you both ♥
11:41 AM
Making My Way Out Of Love$BlogItemTitle$>

Bonjour readers,
I went to school for the very last day :( I didn't realise it until everyone told me. It started off with Deanna. I walked into school with her. We saw Wanikins and sat with her. I was damn tired/sleepy because of last night. (Tell you about that later) I was tucking my face down, trying to get some shut eye when Mai came and said,
'ALIAH! Aww, you datang. I sayang you sangat-sangat'. Haha. Well, it goes something like that. Marsya is the person who tells me
updates of what happened in school. It's an unwritten rule for her. Thanks Mai
♥We went up to class. But let's rewind. On the way to class, I walked with Amira. That girl is so
cheerful! She said to me it was Nabihah's birthday. I shouted downstairs,
'HAPPY BIRTHDAY NABIHAH!' I bet Nabihah was in shocked. Haha. Poor girl. Then, I sat in class with Mai and the usual happens. Talk and talk and talk. Amira joined us and we played,
Live or Death (special effects) Haha. Nahh, I was just kidding. We played,
Truth or Dare (another special effect) :D Amira. Sigh* She was very daring! Almost every dare she succeeded except for one.
*keningkening. Haha. Mai, on the other hand, choose
truth, truth, truth and truth -.- By the end of it, I got to know almost all her secrets! Then, she chooses dare. Finally! But she only did 1 dare. Pfft -.- Haha. Me, I prefer dare than truth.
Amira dared me to seduce Aziq. Wtf?! Haha. I'll get on with that later.
After recess, Amira and Marsya played congkak. I was sitting talking to Megat while watching them play. Amira and Mai choose the traditional way,
sitting on the floor. Haha. Then, Amira wanted to find teacher so she could go to SPBT and see her
lovey-dovey guy. Haha. You should have seen her,
'I want to go SPBT now! I want to see him. I tak tahan lagi' Haha.
Bak kata Yanie,
desperado. No offence Amira :) We still love you. Akmal helped Amira to find teacher and finally, Amira was quiet. Haha. But, she was excited! Honestly, I haven't seen that much books before in
my life! We helped teacher to unload and stack up books. While waiting for the books to arrive, I was exploring form 3 textbooks.
Science textbook to be exact. Aziq saw me and told teacher. Haha. The conversation between Aziq and I is
confidential :D
After we've finished, we went back up to clean the class. At that moment, I knew that this was the last time we all, 1 Amiga are going to study in that class. How sad was that :(
Next year, 2 Amiga title is held by us. We were cleaning for a purpose. It was for students who are taking SPM. Megat acted as if he was crying. Haha.
Faker :) In that class held many memories that will be remembered for long. Deanna doesn't want to leave the class.
Who doesn't?Chowlobete
10:49 AM
November 10, 2009
Ze One, Yes, Ze One$BlogItemTitle$>
Source : fashion photography
P/s : Sorry Mai for calling you dumb. Tehee*
10:35 AM
November 8, 2009

My dad said that he might buy a camera for my sister.
When will it be my turn, ba?
9:29 PM
Don't Mind Sarah$BlogItemTitle$>

I wasn't sure why I felt that much hunger on a Sunday morning. Woke up around 10 and
demanded for pancakes. Since last weekend my mum didn't fulfill her promise, I wanted it today. I learned how to cook pancakes and amazingly found it easy! I ate three pancakes and my tummy started closing. It meant that I was full :) For lunch, I had a date with my aunty and uncle. I went downtown to kl for dim sum. Also, for the first time, I saw
Dataran Merdeka. Haha. What a sucker ;p
Truthfully, I wasn't sure if I liked dim sum but it wasn't all bad. But, I
LOVED the dessert. It tasted mango-ish with a hint of pamelo, if I'm not mistaken. Oh oh, there was ice-cream too! A girl like me
lovesss ice-cream :) It was fun eating at that restaurant with my family. What's that restaurant's name? Singgah? I can't recall. It was quiet though. I expected for my cousin to show up, but she didn't :( Today's update :
I'm supremely hungry.
4:46 PM
November 7, 2009
Working All Night$BlogItemTitle$>

How have you been lately? Today, I'm feeling fascinated! Haha. Why? Because I found this old old microphone that is used to chat in msn. I'm chatting with amira while posting this post :D Frankly, I'm talking with amira through msn. It's so very awesome! It's a Saturday afternoon and I'm bored. I was supposed to go Sunway with my sister and brother but it didn't work out.
I'm sorry to Nadiana and Wan :) Marsya was the one who influenced me to stay home. Can't believe I fell for that.
Anywho, yesterday at school was nothing less interesting that today. We had a special thing for 'Penyampaian Anugerah Sijil'. Towards the end, it was fun! There is this special category for teacher's who attend school 100%. Haha. It was so cute :) Of course, the teacher's that won was all the
discipline teacher's. CONGRATS! We went back to class and played games that students brought. Adam, if I'm not mistaken brought monopoly. But, the day before yesterday (Thursday), Pn. Mahliga strictly said no
MONOPOLY allowed. Even amira heard what teacher said because monopoly involves money, and money may lead to gambling. New's flash, monopoly money ain't real -.- Then adam said, '
Ni kredit card punya, mana ada duit'. Haha. Which was true.
Now, I'm watching videos of Criss Angel. Heard of him? He's a magician. He's stunts are amazing and extraordinary! I saw this video of him pulling a woman into half! And she was still alive! Even scarier. Amira finds it gross. And yes, it is gross. Many are saying that Criss Angel is
better than David Blaine? Why don't you'll be the judge for that ;D
2:52 PM
November 5, 2009
Can He Show Me The Way?$BlogItemTitle$>
It's hard to forget someone. A friend told me that. Hey. I'm skipping what happened at home and off to school. Haha. In school, we received our textbooks, NEXT YEAR'S TEXTBOOKS. Omg, that's a sign. A sign saying that we're all grown up :') It breaks my heart sometimes knowing that I'm getting older day after day. My mom keeps on saying, 'My baby is all grown up'. Haha, embarrassing. But, yet again, she's right. Mai and I were saying that we're upgrading to form 2. Haha. And that we missed our form 1 textbooks. Then ,we realised that our childhood days are over. I want my childhood days to stay!
Next year, we're the senior for afternoon session. Doesn't time flies so so very fast? Seniors do mean that we get to bully. Haha. But, I'm not that mean. Being in a higher form means something. It means that we're having higher responsibility. My mom told me, next year, all the fun and games are OVER! Oh gosh, I can't cope with that. I love to play (childish moment) I feel as if I haven't got the last of form 1. Mai told me that there is 8 more days till school's out. I'm not pretty sure about that. But, 1 thing's for sure, I'm definitely going to miss my form 1 memories.
Chowlobete ♥
P/s : I'm not sure why I posted a picture of dresses.
9:46 PM
November 4, 2009
Possesion Occurs$BlogItemTitle$>

Isn't it refreshing to jump?
Today, my class went on a trip to Puchong. I'm telling you, it was freaking boring. Honestly, I would rather stay in school than.......what am I saying, nahhh :D Haha. Riding in the bus was better than hearing that stupid speech about road safety. It didn't caught my attention -.- Meanwhile, I was half dead listening to the speech! Maybe Yanie was right ;) After the speech, we ate lunch. Okay, we ate lunch in SCHOOL. They didn't sell anything lunch type at that place. Plus, it was disgusting. But I bought sweet's though. Hihi.
Came back to school and ate at the canteen. The kakak canteen didn't expect to see all of us coming for food because recess was over. Haha. But, they cooked nasi goreng damn fast! And damn spicy! I ate three spoons of it and cried. Haha. I'm telling you, it's the spicy-es nasi goreng I've ever tasted. I had to buy 2 drinks in order to cool me down. Then, I wanted to pee. I wanted to pee so bad but I holded. I'm not going to pee in that dirty room in school which they call as 'TOILET". Urghhh.
I brought a game to school. Dominos. Have you heard of that game before? And no, it's not Dominos pizza. Amira finds it 'addictive'. It was her first time playing. It was absolutely fun! Although, I may scared my friends. Hihi, sorry :) F.Y.I, Aida did the cubic thing and she nailed it! She did all the colours! Unbelievable. I can't even get 1 colour on 1 side but Aida got it on all sides. Tabit lah. Tomorrow, I might be bringing the Dominos again, and maybe some other games as well. We're not doing anything in school nor at home. But, school's better. You get to meet your friends :)
Oh, 1 last thing. The new kid APOLOGISED to me. HAHA. Do you think it's that easy for me to forgive you? Till the end of the earth I'm never ever going to accept that apology. Even if you meant it. You learned your lesson I assume. But, your still lifeless. A person like you should never lived. I'm mean, aren't I? I'm just happy the way it is. But, if your ever planning to do something to me, you're going to regret it. A gentleman you call yourself? Pfftt -.- But, come to think of it, it's funny. My advise, GET OUT OF MY LIFE.
Chowlobete ♥
8:00 PM
November 3, 2009
Crash My Ass Off$BlogItemTitle$>
You can tell that I'm angry by the title of my post.
Hell ya I'm angry.
To that kid who thinks his the big boss, get a life.
Who are you anyway to be such a show off?
When was the last time you saw yourself in the mirror?
I guess never, because if not, you would be long gone.
Messing with people's life is your 'hobby' lah kan.
That's right, your lifeless, that's why even your 'hobby' is low class!
Baru masuk nak berlagak.
But I know, deep down your just a coward.
2:26 PM
November 2, 2009
Zombie's Are Better Than You Guys$BlogItemTitle$>
Always the day that causes chaos. Sigh* I don't want to talk about it but I would just like to say sorry to Aziq. I'M REALLY SORRY AZIQ :(
My sister bought a new bag for her birthday. It was from Dorothy Perkins. It's kinda like her favourite brand. Haha. I'm kinda into it as well. Watched MJ: This is it on Saturday. I cried like 4 times! It was sad. I mean with his death and all (although he died like 4 months ago). Anyway, that night was Halloween and I tried to scare my sister, but, it didn't work. Dumb old sister :)
Watched 'he's just not that into you' and wow! Haha. That's all I can say but I do advise to not watch it. I'm an exceptional :D
Chowlobete ♥
8:47 PM
Bust My Words$BlogItemTitle$>

Exam's are over! :D
It's been quite sometime since my last post was posted. I'm sorry but I had to study -.- I know, who enjoys studying. No offence though to people who DO enjoy studying. Haha. Ahh, where do I begin? I've got many many many stories to tell but oh so little time and space :)
I'll start with last Friday. I went to Sharifah Sofia's wedding! In case you haven't heard, she's an actress. Well, I don't mean to brag, hihi. Right after school, my dad picked me up and I got ready to head off to the Concorde Hotel. Traffic was hectic. Sigh*. But we made it! At the end, we took pictures with Sharifah Sofia herself. Of course with her new hubby as well ;D
Honestly, out of the many days I had to sit for exam, last Wednesday was the WORST! First, there is Geografi. Doesn't that make it worse already? Second, I had my period that morning. I don't know why I'm sharing this but I just want to. Haha. This is embarrassing I must say. After recess, I asked my friends if there was any stain and they were laughing while saying yes. I didn't quite believe them because they were laughing! Then, they showed me and I freaked out. Geografi was about to start and I have a stain on my kain.
Went to toilet with Yanie and she helped to wash it off. Thanks Yanie ♥ Came back from the toilet finding that our class was in the process of scolding. Urghh, I wanted to sit so badly but I can't because we got scolding for....actually, I don't know why did we get scolding. Prayer's time. Checked with my friend again if there is any stain and boom! A big splat of stain and not even half-an hour. Rushed to the toilet because exam's were about to start! I'm like hell no!
During the exam, I wasn't comfortable at all. Usually, I would re-check the question but that time, I didn't. I wasn't focusing on the paper at all. What got my attention was, I wasn't comfortable at all. Exam's were over and I was so so so ready to go home. I swiched places with Aqilah and sat on her chair for a while. Stood up to throw a paper and there was blood on her chair! (Sorry Aqilah :) I asked Yanie to check for the third time and the THIRD time I had a stain! They say, third times the charm :D
10:35 AM