December 31, 2008
The Unforgetabble Moments Of Life$BlogItemTitle$>

Just Lovely ,
4:16 PM
The World Didn't Know Who You Are, Until Now$BlogItemTitle$>

You must be wondering why am I puting this photo in my blog. You see, I was finding a picture of people laughing to come up with an idea to write on my blog, well now I sure did. It was just another ordinary hot humid boring lazy wondering (when can I go out) day until I saw this picture of a baby kitten LAUGHING! HAHA. Out of the Ordinary. This kitten is nothing I've ever seen before. I figure I just had to put this picture although I HATE CATS but not that much to kittens. (:
1:49 PM
December 30, 2008
The Ugly & Beauty Of Life$BlogItemTitle$>

Well, it goes like this. On our way of queing to get my sister's results, she was talking to her friends about, well I'm not sure. Maybe about butterflies in their belly! And leaving me beside to her treating a bit like a slave. SORRY! Then, it was her turn. Sign her name, collect her results and then she screams. TYPICAL! OH OH, plus screaming while jumping :D. She got 5 A's. (like what she wanted) She told my dad and jumped. My dad said "OO, Congrats! 5 A's? Are you happy? " It sounds better when he does it. HAHA! Anyway, Congrats! to my sister. I will definitely be jealous when she get's presents. HAHA!
I wonder what will i get? Hmm...
1:51 PM
December 29, 2008
See, Their Happy !$BlogItemTitle$>

Jealous much?
No worries, join the club!
Gosh, I really am a spoilt brat.
(I think?)
8:12 PM
Playing Tag In The Computer ?$BlogItemTitle$>
Tagged by my busybody sister who lives under the same rooftop! (hehe)
1. Do you think you're hot ?
Do you think so? If you do, then I'm hot! :p
2. Upload a favourite picture of you

3. Why do you like this picture ?
Maybe because I like my POSE!
4. When was the last time you ate pizza ?
3 weeks ago
5. What was the last song you listened to ?
Rihanna - Rehab
6. What are you doing now besides this ?
Nothing (It sounds so boring)
7. What name would you prefer besides yours ?
I don't know. Maybe I like my name.
People I've tagged :
1. Aina
2. Wan
3. Samira
4. Farhana
5. Nina
9. Who is number 1 ?
A quiet normal human being
10. Number 3 is having a relationship with ?
No one, I think
11. Say something about number 5
My dearest best friend :D
12. How about number 4 ?
My gossip tool. HAHA
13. How about number 2 ?
I miss you
1:19 PM
December 27, 2008
The Nerve Is Sucking The Hell Up$BlogItemTitle$>
Soon, not long from today, my sister will be collecting her PMR results and other Form 3 teens. Well, I don't know how she is taking this (: calmly, nervous) *I think. Their hearts must be pounding when their names are called (if). Hope my sis get's full A's, but she aims for 5 A's. Oh shucks! Advice to my sister and other Form 3, THINK POSITVE ☺! Gosh, I'm only 12 and I kinda sound like a lecturer. HAHA! There's nthg wrong becoming a lecturer. I think I should stop now before I go overboard !
3:02 PM
December 26, 2008
Lying Is Not The Key Word$BlogItemTitle$>

8:27 PM
December 24, 2008
What I Want For Christmas$BlogItemTitle$>

Display book is way hard to find! That book is part of my life (totally mama's girl.) Okay, probably it's just because there is Edward Cullen in that book. Watched the movie and it was nice. Really, really nice. I think you get the point that I'm obsessed with twilight and Edward Cullen. I was kinda jealous, no no I was jealous that Kristen Stewart get's the part of Isabella Swan. Whoever thought of this story is a genius! Stephanie Meyer. Coughs* Aliah, STOP IT! Anyway, since Christmas is tomorrow, MERRY CHRISTMAS !
My wish is 'Santa, all I want for Christmas is my OWN Edward Cullen!' HAHA.
3:47 PM
December 20, 2008
The Human Seasons$BlogItemTitle$>
Wouldn't it be fun to have 4 seasons here in Malaysia??
I think so....
Four seasons fill the measure of the year;
There are for seasons in the mind of man:
He has his lusty Spring, when fancy clear
Takes in all beauty with an easy span:
He has his summer, when luxuriously
Spring's honey'd cud of youthful thought he loves
To ruminate, and by such dreaming nigh
His nearest unto heaven: quiet coves
His soul has in Autumn, when his wings
He furleth close; contented so to look
On mists in idleness - to let fair things
Pass by unheeded as a threshold brook:
He has his Winter too of pale misfeature
Or else he would forgo his mortal nature.
John Keats
1:26 PM
December 19, 2008
Melting In My Heart ♥$BlogItemTitle$>

*drools (haha)
3:42 PM
December 18, 2008
Back In The 08's$BlogItemTitle$>
I miss my olden days :'-(
4:33 PM
December 5, 2008
For Better Or Worse$BlogItemTitle$>

Which is the best?
It's your job, the audience to vote!
Well, we have the results....
1) HSM 3 - 90%
2)Camp Rock - 72%
3)The Cheetah Girls - 65%
and the winner is HSM 3! :)
Dont you think so?
3:51 PM
Material Girl$BlogItemTitle$>
Material girl! No excuse for a girl not to show her brand new stuff...hahaha. Anyway, those are new shades there. I know, i know...OVER REACTING! Actually, no, well for me because girls like to show their new stuff right? Right girls? But sometimes, personally, i go beyond the limit! Meaning, kinda like wht my sister said " U Sound So Cheezy!"
At first, i didnt even understand what it meant! But, over a night of thinking... i kinda understand her. Well, i wanted to become cool and all, just like someone i know but it doesnt matter anymore, cause i dont think she even knows me. And plus, i got a 'cool guru' on my side to teach how to be cool. Haahah. So, this is how i write my blog, i tell everything to you guys. (who reads my blog only)
(so, what do you think sis a.k.a cool guru?)
(to cheezy?)
12:50 PM
December 4, 2008
A Place For Friends ☺$BlogItemTitle$>
Okay, everyone gets excited when they have something new. Same here! I got myspace. Well, I just did it a few days ago thanks to my sister. My sister thinks that I am obssesed with this myspace stuffs. I'm just excited! But, my sister just doesn't get it. Whatevs. Haha. Well, to people who reads my blog, if you have myspace, pls add me not that I'm desperate or anything ;). I just like having lots of friends (the ones I know only). See ya!
8:19 PM